[ANNULE] Fields of Rock / Hollande 20-22 juin 2008

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[ANNULE] Fields of Rock / Hollande 20-22 juin 2008

Messagepar SpiriT » mer. mars 26, 2008 7:06 pm

Bon, je ne sais pas si c'était mieux ici ou dans les news ... ou encore si ca intéresse quiconque ici.
Enfin bref ...

Source http://www.fieldsofrock.nl/

wednesday March 26, 2008, 15:15 uur
Because of the lack of headliners leading to disappointing ticket sales, we are very sorry to inform you that Fields of Rock 2008 is cancelled. This very difficult decision was made eventually, because it wouldn’t have been wise to continue with this edition of the Fields of Rock festival both financially and creatively. We offer our sincere apologies to Fields of Rock visitors who had already bought their tickets for this edition. Tickets for Fields of Rock 2008 can be returned until 1 July next.

About 35 bands were programmed to perform at Fields of Rock 2008. This year, the organisation also made an extra investment to enhance the festival’s atmosphere and fringe programme. This meant Fields of Rock was heading for a new direction. Unfortunately, the major headliners, the artists who attract large numbers of visitors, weren’t available for the weekend of 20, 21, and 22 of June. Although the organisation had been working on a great programme since the fall of 2007, it appears Fields of Rock doesn’t fit the touring schedules of the big bands. Therefore, the decision to cancel the festival was made out of necessity rather than by choice. At this moment, alternative gigs are looked into for a number of bands. News about these developments will follow.

People who bought tickets for Fields of Rock 2008 can return them to the pre-sale box offices they were bought at, until 1 July 2008. Visitors with a TicketFast ticket will be informed by TSN through email. All people who had already bought tickets will qualify for a € 5 discount for the next edition of Fields of Rock. In order to apply for this discount, they need to send a mail to tickets@fieldsofrock.nl, before 1 June 2008, stating their names and the unique ticket number that is printed on the front of the ticket. Prior to the pre-sale of the next edition of Fields of Rock, they will receive a personal invitation to buy a ticket with the said discount.

Again, we are very sorry.
Fields of Rock Team
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Messagepar Arnaud » mer. mars 26, 2008 9:25 pm

Ah putain, pas cool ça. :?
Il y a avait une belle programmation pourtant, je peine à comprendre leur décision.
En même ce week-end du 20,21 et 22 Juin, la concurrence est plus que rude.

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Inscription : jeu. nov. 25, 2004 12:39 pm

Messagepar guikeenan » mer. avr. 09, 2008 8:11 pm

Putain je suis veeeeeeeeeeert!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! JE viens de me rendre compte que ce festival devait avoir lieu dans la ville dans laquelle j'habite depuis début février... à 5 min en vélo!!! Saloperie!

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