Liste d'échange - plus de 850 CDs! (black/death/thrash/etc.)

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Re: Liste d'échange - plus de 850 CDs! (black/death/thrash/etc.)

Messagepar Coma » jeu. avr. 07, 2016 4:42 pm

Liste mise à jour, plusieurs nouveaux trucs depuis mon dernier "bump" en juin.
Liste d'échange: viewtopic.php?t=25880

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Messages : 225
Inscription : mar. juil. 23, 2013 4:03 pm

Re: Liste d'échange - plus de 850 CDs! (black/death/thrash/etc.)

Messagepar ProjectInfamy » mar. mai 10, 2016 8:22 pm

Trade nickel comme d'habitude. Merci et à une prochaine.

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Messages : 89
Inscription : mer. janv. 09, 2008 3:39 pm

Re: Liste d'échange - plus de 850 CDs! (black/death/thrash/etc.)

Messagepar Coma » lun. août 29, 2016 2:59 pm

Retour progressif après une pause de quelques mois, voici les nouveautés depuis la dernière fois :

Catastrophic - The Cleansing (death metal from the USA featuring ex-Obituary/Pyrexia members, Metal Blade)
Devolved - Reprisal (technical death metal from Australia, Unique Leader Records)
Disinter - As We Burn (death metal from the USA, Morbid Records)
Dismal Divinity - Ad Majorem de Gloriam (brutal death metal from Puerto Rico, Khaosmaster Production)
Dominance - Echoes of Human Decay (death metal from Italy, Kolony Records)
Draconis Sanguis - Between Insanity and Brilliance (black/death metal from Germany, Metal Age Productions)
Dreams of Damnation - Epic Tales of Vengeance (death/thrash with Jim Durkin of Dark Angel, Say It In Blood)
Edguy - King of Fools (power metal from Germany, Nuclear Blast)
Endast - Odds Against Tomorrow (metalcore from Canada, Big Metal Records)
Fates Warning - Still Life (fantastic progressive metal from the USA, Metal Blade, 2CD set)
Holy Grail - Crisis in Utopia (heavy/power metal from the USA, Prosthetic Records)
Impaled - The Last Gasp (Carcass-worshipping death metal from the USA, Willowtip)
Insaniae - Imperfeições da Mão Humana (doom/death from Portugal, ARX Productions)
Karelia - Restless (gothic metal from France, Season of Mist)
Kragens - Infight (heavy/thrash from France, Locomotive Records)
Kristendom - Inferno (death/thrash from France, Thundering, digipak)
Loincloth - Iron Balls of Steel (progressive metal from the USA with Confessor members, Southern Lord)
Lorde of All Desires - The Scent of Malevolence (melodic/gothic black metal from the USA, Root of All Evil)
Majdanek Waltz - О Происхождении Мира (Neofolk/ambient from Russia, Wroth Emitter Records)
Mystic Circle - Damien (black metal from Germany, Massacre Records)
Seraphim - The Equal Spirit (power metal from Taiwan, Arise Records)
Serpenterium - The Withered Spirit of a Shattered Reality (melodic black metal from Puerto Rico, Venomous Art)
Shattered Hope - Absence (killer funeral doom/death from Greece, Solitude Productions)

Sans compter les centaines d'autres titres sur ma liste régulière.

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