Chroniques de Irradiant

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Inscription : lun. févr. 16, 2004 2:25 pm

Chroniques de Irradiant

Messagepar Krakoukass » mar. août 10, 2004 2:13 pm


Je propose de poster ici, comme Sheb le faisait pour les chroniques de Supuration, les chroniques de Irradiant prises sur les différents webzines. Cela permettra de se rendre compte que Scarve bénéficie de putain de chroniques même à l'étranger...

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Messages : 104
Inscription : lun. févr. 16, 2004 2:25 pm

Messagepar Krakoukass » mar. août 10, 2004 2:18 pm

Source : Metal Storm
Lien : ... _id=scarve

"Scarve", do you know this name? Do you know them? No? Well, in that case, shame on you because this band is certainly one of the revelation of the year directly from France. "Irradiant" is the 3rd album of the band. A great mix of violence, but also technical and all this kind of stuffs which do a great album of Death metal. This combo from France with this album show another time that we know how to do great music in France too, and believe me that this is just the beginning of a long story for a band who could become cult for sure.

"Irradiant" is surprising for a lot of reasons. The first one is certainly the fact that all the guys of the bands are more than excellent in their roles. The lines of bass are very good, and the two guitarists are totally awesome and it's not strange to see an apparition of Fredrik Thordendal of "Meshuggah" in the album, because in fact the style of the guitarists of Scarve really sound like the one of the master. The two singers of the band are excellent too. Sometimes with screams, sometime with pure Death voice or with clean vocals, they really give a lot of power and originality to the music of the band. Excellent. But the other strong point is certainly the drummer, Dirk Verbeuren, who is one of the best from France, and without any doubt one of the best drummer of the style. With a killer like him, it's not a surprise if "Irradiant" is one of the best release of the year.
The music of the band is very strong very heavy, but also very technical and if you like Strapping Young Lad, Meshuggah or Soilwork, no doubt that you'll be dazzle of "Irradiant". Great guitars riffs, amazing solo, awesome drums, great lyrics for two great singers, and especially a lot of difference and originality between each songs of the album and superb ambiances, and you have all the ingredients which do a perfect album.
And the production? Well again it's the perfection. It's not a surprise when you know that this album is produced by the great Daniel Bergstrand [Strapping Young Lad, Messhugah, Darkane, In Flames etc...]. We have a big great sound on that album, and it's hard to find such perfection. For the artwork, Dennis Sibeijn [Aborted] did something really good too... No, really I can't find anything bad with that album...

No need to say something more on this "Irradiant". This is THE must have for all the metal lovers. No doubt that "Scarve" is now the leader of the metal bands from France, and in my opinion they will become without any doubts one of this important bands of the style.
"Irradiant" is now, one of my favourite album of the year, this is a killer album a masterpiece and if like me, you are a fan of technical Death Metal or just a fan of good music, you must buy this album or Dieee !!!

Rating: 9

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Inscription : lun. févr. 16, 2004 2:25 pm

Messagepar Krakoukass » mar. août 10, 2004 2:22 pm

Source : The Metal Observer
Lien : ... =1&id=5521

Lately I’ve been searching through the France’s Metal map, I felt I didn’t know too many bands from there. Despite my past negligence on the French Metal scene, I can now say that I’ve come up with two positive results, the first being Prog Power Metal sensation HEAVENLY and the other being SCARVE, always a start right?

Anyway, I’m going to say a few words about SCARVE’s new album “Irradiant”. Albums like these are interesting experiences and never to be taken too lightly because then you’ll miss the point. You could give it 2-3 spins and say, “oh, here we have a new DARKANE clone”, that’s what it sounds like at first...guilty until proven innocent. SCARVE plays what they call New Age Death Metal, I guess you can figure it out, Modern Death Metal, but let me point out that the modern influences aren’t about overdoses of samples and random noises. Opener “Mirthless Perspectives” enforces this sound only partly, as it isn’t the most experimental of songs, but it’s full of great spherical riffs and superb drumming, even Devin Townsend would be proud of the wacky solo section. “An Emptier Void” carries on with a brutal assault that last for almost two minutes before this new age thing finally gets the chance to be heard, this is also the interesting part of the song. It’s obvious that the band has put more emphasis on songwriting, the brainstorming of the six members has definitely paid off because you’ll find plenty of weird, small things and even though they’re an Extreme Metal band, they simply won’t bow down to limitations and insert some calm moments (see “The Perfect Disaster”).

Things get pretty ugly a few minutes into “FireProven”; mark my words, this is pure audio massacre. Fredrik Thordendal of MESHUGGAH has a solo guest spot on the very MESHUGGAH like track “Asphyxiate”, those who know of his unique style of mathematical tapping know what to expect, sick and perverse. Vocals change from the usual screaming, growl types to clean vocals or should I say shouts, which are all good actually and well balanced. Another guest appearance pops up in “Molten Scars” where DEFLESHED vocalist Gustaf Jorde adds his touch to the fast nature of the song.

The sound is indeed professional and suits the band and the concept they’ve got going, heavy and clear with those small Mr. Bergstrand touches. Sure there are a few bands who are trying out familiar sounds, when you hear the insane drumming, the solos and clear vocals, you might think of DARKANE or S.Y.L., just try it and make your own opinion. As for me, SCARVE have delivered a well written, well played and well produced Metal album with enough fireworks to set the beginning of 2004 aflame. (Online February 13, 2004)


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Inscription : lun. févr. 16, 2004 2:25 pm

Messagepar Krakoukass » mar. août 10, 2004 2:24 pm

Source : Into Obscurity
Lien : ... iewID=1215

What Scarve fail to do is fall into the cliches of any particular genre. Instead, on "Irradiant" they interwine many of them in a manner not unlike Death or later Darkane material. There is a death or thrash metal feel to this record, but their music is more far-reaching than befits either of these classifications. I also hear a little Meshuggah in the progressive feel of many of these tracks. As a matter of fact, Meshuggah's Frederik Thorendal appears as a guest on the album's most challenging track "Asphyxiate" which I could hardly tell apart from any song Meshuggah have ever released. Defleshed's Gustaf Jorde also drops by as a guest on "Molten Scars" which is a little more heavy and straightforward (talk about choosing perfect songs for each of these guest musicians).
Scarve create extreme metal - to pigeonhole it any further would be a crime. "Irradiant" is a great record musically, but also because the creators do not limit themselves in any way.

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Inscription : lun. févr. 16, 2004 2:25 pm

Messagepar Krakoukass » mar. août 10, 2004 2:25 pm

Source : Decoymusic
Lien :

A milestone in every sense of the word, Scarve's third album Irradiant is essentially the best thing to come out of France since the inspiration for the razor. It's a beautiful album, complete with technical metal chaos ("Asphyxiate" actually has Meshuggah's own Fredrik Thordendal doing a solo), death metal (Strapping Young Lad), black metal (Dimmu Borgir), and pretty much every other type of beautifully destructive music you could ever imagine.

The vocals are impressively fierce, never sounding sissy or throwing in poetic rantings about how Satan is awesome, or even busting out in song. It's all about the guttural scream and the anger it produces deep inside -- and that's what Scarve does best; they provoke. Irradiant is filled to the brim with rage-inducing music, complete with intense double bass thrashing and riffs so heavy Black Sabbath should be bowing down in appreciation.

While this record isn't available in America, you can find it on Amazon in Europe. If you're into this type of metal, you surely are used to the idea of importing -- so don't be a whiny bitch. Put this ahead in the queue, it deserves to be the next thing that your longling little ears have the pleasure of orgasming to.


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Inscription : ven. juin 11, 2004 11:22 pm

Messagepar MUGARÜD » mar. août 10, 2004 3:19 pm

merci c'est tres joli tout ça et bien mérité

master of puppets

Messagepar master of puppets » mar. août 10, 2004 5:12 pm

Bleeding Heroes :

Un an seulement après l'excellent "Luminiferous", les nancéens de Scarve reviennent à la charge avec un troisième album intitulé "Irradiant". Toujours épaulé par le label Listenable, Scarve continue sur sa lancé en proposant une fois de plus un métal moderne et extrême, mélange de thrash et de death-métal, qui n'est pas sans rappeler celui de Strapping youg lad. Si le groupe se contente d'appliquer à la lettre une recette déjà bien mise en pratique par les suédois et les américains, reconnaissons tout de même que pour un groupe français le résultat est totalement bluffant. La production de Daniel Bergstrand est une fois de plus irréprochable, donnant ainsi toute la puissance nécessaire aux compositions de Scarve qui pour l'occasion s'est même payé le luxe d'inviter Fredrik Thordendal de Meshuggah et Gustaf Jorde de Defleshed. Inutile de préciser que l'on en prend plein la gueule pendant environ trois quart d'heure. Mais loin de se vautrer dans la surenchère gratuite de riffs et autres blast beat en tout genre, Scarve préfère la jouer en finesse tout d'abord grâce à Guillaume Bideau et Pierre Valence, deux chanteurs qui n'hésitent pas à se donner la réplique de façon intelligente et ensuite grâce à des passages beaucoup plus aériens et mélodiques ("Irradiant", "Asphyxiate", "The perfect disaster"...). Bref avec ce nouvel album, Scarve fait preuve d'une certaine maturité, choisissant ainsi d'affiner sa musique pour la rendre définitivement plus personnelle. Un choix que l'on ne pourra que soutenir tant ce nouvel album se révèle être rondement bien mené. "Irradiant" est un disque brutal et mélodique qui regorge de subtilités et qui vous fera peut-être même oublier Devin Townsend et sa bande de joyeux drilles.

Note : 8/10

master of puppets

Messagepar master of puppets » mar. août 10, 2004 5:17 pm

Nightfall :

TCHCLAK! Fut le bruit inattendu d'une main invisible contre ma joue imberbe. Ce 3ème album de ces français venait de m'en mettre une belle. Pourtant, tout était alléchant: un joli digipack avec plein de bonus à l'intérieur (vidéos et morceaux Live pour ne citer qu'eux) n'était pas en mesure de me prévenir que la galette était boxeuse. Leur musique, dosée avec la précision et la vélocité du death-metal, les rythmiques entraînantes d'un thrash, le tout sous couvert d'une production hautement satisfaisante, est rapidement passée d'une mélange réactionnel inerte à une représentation artistique de la fusion nucléaire.

Il ne vous faudra que les premières notes de guitare pour que celà passe pour une évidence: "Mirthless Perspectives" laisse très vite tomber ces accords acoustiques pour filer fissa au moyen d'une accélération désoeuvrante vers des horizons plus dévastateurs.

L'ensemble possède un rendu bien spécifique car les riffs ont été un peu "électronisés" ou "informatisés". Attention toutefois on n'atteint pas le son d'un guitare d'un FEAR FACTORY dans "Digimortal", c'est subtil mais reconnaissable. D'autre part c'est le batteur Dirk Verbeuren -l'ultra-actif- qui donne cet aspect "industriel" chez Scarve. Par le son de la batterie en premier lieu, mais également devant cette précision chirurgicale qui l'anime, passant du métronome bloqué en position maximale à l'assemblage de machines gigantesques frappant de manière syncopée (un peu comme dans MESHUGGAH).

"Irradiant" ne propose que de rares répits: quelques courts passages calmes (celui de "An Emptier Void" aux accents cybernétiques est réussi) ainsi qu'un morceau en demi-teinte "The Perfect Disaster", parsemé de notes rafraîchissantes et de parties moins intéressantes cassant les moments calmes. Guillaume Bideau place également un chant clair en plus d'une gueulante classique du genre, mais ce premier ne me satisfait pas entièrement, peut-être trop en décalage par rapport à l'ambiance violente des morceaux. Ces accélérations folles se retrouvent souvent, et gagnent même en intensité le long de l'album, si bien que les derniers morceaux semblent plus déstructurés.

C'est tout à fait le contraire pour le reste. Scarve présente ses inénarrables couplets/refrains avec l'once de furie caractéristique du groupe. A coup de riffs très bien trouvés, "Irradiant" se fait entraînant. Que ce soit au travers d'un "Mirthless Perspectives" dont le schéma structurel se retrouve plus tard ("Irradiant", "Hyperconscience"), c'est à dire basé sur un refrain entêtant, une avalanche de riffs/frappe de fûts très carrée, ou au travers d'un "Asphyxiate" très lourd, donnant l'impression d'être totalement désaxé à la manière de MESHUGGAH (je me répète, je sais) dont on retrouve certaines idées dans le reste des chansons. Les guitares martèlent l'auditeur, chaque alliance Riffs/Batterie sonne comme une explosion, chaque accélération provoque un état de transe comme si l'on voyageait le long d'un tube temporel. La musique de Scarve devient rapidement psychédélique, et sacrément joussive par moments.

Essayons fébrilement de classer "Irradiant" entre du old-IN FLAMES très pugnace et du MESHUGGAH un peu moins barré, Scarve a désormais son mot à dire, et pas qu'en France. Gageons que cet étonnante boule d'énergie -se détruisant à chaque morceau- fasse parler d'elle, bien plus que "Luminiferous". Allez J.C., on tend l'autre joue maintenant.

Note : 4/5

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Inscription : jeu. août 22, 2002 1:21 pm

Re: Chroniques de Irradiant

Messagepar napalmdirk » dim. août 15, 2004 10:35 pm

Krakoukass a écrit :Hello

Je propose de poster ici, comme Sheb le faisait pour les chroniques de Supuration, les chroniques de Irradiant prises sur les différents webzines. Cela permettra de se rendre compte que Scarve bénéficie de putain de chroniques même à l'étranger...

Excellente initiative monsieur Krakoukass ! :!:
Je vais en retrouver quelques-unes dans les jours à venir !


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Inscription : lun. févr. 16, 2004 2:25 pm

Messagepar Krakoukass » jeu. août 19, 2004 4:34 pm

Source : live 4 metal
Lien :

Bizarres commentaires dans celle-là (voir en gras) : enfin chacun ses goûts...

Hailing from France, Scarve is a band that seems too far under the radar in the metal world. They seem technically capable enough to rival Meshuggah, Darkane, or even the mighty Death; all of which they seem to take influence from, yet I’ve never heard of them up until getting this album on a whim. They are your standard death/thrash band, but with a little spice thrown in to let the listener know there is some real potential here. I’m not talking potential to become the next Slayer or Cannibal Corpse even, just enough potential to rise themselves from their current state of obscurity. Vocal gargling aside, this album is very heavy with an emphasis on guitar. The riff is law here, with chunky confusing
Meshuggah-like patterns during “Asphyxiate” and headbang-inducing mayhem during “Fireproven.” One thing I think this band relies on far too much is the blast beat, which is not only overused but often inappropriately so. To be heavy you do not simply need to throw in blast beats, which sounds like what the band is doing here. A song like “The Perfect Disaster” is free of blast beats but still amazingly soulful and heavy. If they were to look at this track and structure the rest of their music around it, maybe someone like myself wouldn’t be buying their next album on a whim, but because it got album of the year in their favorite metal magazine. Scarve needs a better record label badly, one which will push their style, a label like Century Media. I would call them underrated except for the fact that they haven’t actually been rated yet, even after three full-length albums. It is a shame that an album like this receives no press while some band half as talented gets a bigger push. I’m not going to sit here and tell you this is the greatest album in the world, which I don’t think I’ve done, but what I am saying is that if you are in the least bit interested in the Death/Thrash genre to pick this up. While the crappy vocals and blast beats do hurt this album because of overuse, the actual riffs and song structure far outweigh the negative. If you enjoy Dimension Zero - a newer band that I think this one resembles - you will definitely enjoy Scarve.

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