Annoncez ici les dates dans nos belles provinces
Messages : 420
Inscription : dim. juin 15, 2003 10:49 am

Messagepar hevydevy » lun. mai 07, 2007 8:17 pm

HS : S. Royal n'a jamais fait arrêter le Club Dorothée, elle a juste milité contre les mangas japonnais et écrit un bouquin contestataire. L'emission s'est arrêtée banalement à cause de l'audimat.
Comme quoi, de Marduk à Dorothée, il n'y a qu'un pas que seulement à peine 2 pages de posts ont franchi :)

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Messages : 958
Inscription : jeu. mars 18, 2004 3:46 am

Messagepar garmonbozia » lun. mai 07, 2007 10:36 pm

semi bonne nouvelle: on prépare des dates pour Enslavef + KOK pour octobre... bien sûr, ce sera sans notre tourneur belge préféré !

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Messages : 368
Inscription : lun. nov. 28, 2005 7:07 pm

Messagepar koalita » lun. mai 07, 2007 10:45 pm

raa génial!
justement je viens de lire les sites de Marduk, Enslaved et Finntroll, qui sont apparement bien dégoutés également de tout ça, et qui en veulent à Metallysée, et promettent effectivement de revenir au plus vite! :!:


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Messages : 88
Inscription : lun. août 25, 2003 8:31 pm

Messagepar AlpoH » lun. mai 07, 2007 10:54 pm

Marduk :
Marduks European tour together with among others Enslaved and Keep Of Kalessin is cancelled. The booking agency Metallysee have once again showed their true face and screwed everything up. The band nor their managment or any of the other bands involved have been informed about whats going on. Then news reached the band from other sources. It seems that all the tours that Metallysse have booked are cancelled.
Marduk will change booking agency and have a full European tour booked for later this year. More news regarding that and tour plans for other parts of the world will be presented within the nearest days.

Enslaved :

ENSLAVED is issuing this statement to regretfully inform that the “Excess of Evil” European tour w/ Marduk, Enslaved, Keep of Kalessin, Goatwhore, Melechesh & Pantheon I this month (May 2007) is cancelled.

We are not entirely informed and convinced as to why the tour is cancelled – we were promised an immediate statement from the touring agency (Metalysee) several days ago, but nothing has arrived. At this point, with few days left for the intended tour start, we could no longer wait and we are issuing this, to be honest, half-informed statement. We are normally booked through Goldstar Music in Norway, let us stress over and over again that this tour and its demise is not their workings, this was a one-off collaboration with another booking agency.

All we know is that the tour is cancelled and that we feel disappointed, bitter and at the same time vengeful. We are disappointed because we looked forward to performing top notch shows, being part of a high class package and meeting the fans, the friends; the scene. Bitter because we were already stretched to the limit to do this tour – we were ready to go out and do minimalist shows, with a session keyboard player (as Herbrand Larsen couldn’t go due to personal reasons. We feel vengeful because we know we will come back and do these shows tenfold stronger. Our booking agent Goldstar has told us they are already working on rescheduling several of the shows this coming autumn.

As always, there will be speculations as to why this happened. Again, we regret to say that this was never really “our” tour so we lack some insight into the “whys” and “whos” and “whens”. We can only state that we were ready to go, no injuries, no imprisonment, no primadonna acts; none of the usual industry clichés. We have heard rumours about why the tour was cancelled, but we choose not to repeat them until an official statement is issued from Metalysee/ Marduk. We hope other sources of information (web boards, forums, magazines) will remain equally patient/ respectful for the official version.

We’ll be back with more info should it appear, along with any eventual re-bookings of these shows.

A heartfelt thank you to all the people being ready for the shows in France, the UK, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany and Austria– we will return.


Pantheon I
07 May 2007 - "The Excess of Evil" tour cancelled

Due to events beyond our control we are sad to inform you that the upcoming european tour has been cancelled. We apologize for the inconvenience and dissappointment and hope to see you on tour as soon as possible.

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Messages : 353
Inscription : dim. janv. 14, 2007 3:14 pm

Messagepar corbak » lun. mai 07, 2007 10:59 pm

garmonbozia a écrit :semi bonne nouvelle: on prépare des dates pour Enslavef + KOK pour octobre... bien sûr, ce sera sans notre tourneur belge préféré !

Y aurait moyen que Melechesh se tape l'incruste dedans ?
Ca pourrait être une bien bonne idée. :arrow:

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Messages : 133
Inscription : mer. août 16, 2006 12:26 pm

Messagepar Meuleu » mar. mai 08, 2007 8:50 am

corbak a écrit :[...]

Y aurait moyen que Melechesh se tape l'incruste dedans ?
Ca pourrait être une bien bonne idée. :arrow:


Messages : 45
Inscription : jeu. déc. 08, 2005 1:58 pm

Messagepar neobaby » mar. mai 08, 2007 3:22 pm

corbak a écrit :[...]

Y aurait moyen que Melechesh se tape l'incruste dedans ?
Ca pourrait être une bien bonne idée. :arrow:

Oui ,y'a intérêt!!! :P

Messages : 217
Inscription : mar. mars 01, 2005 4:37 pm

Messagepar Danaos » lun. mai 21, 2007 6:35 pm

Je reviens tout juste de vacances, et viens de découvrir, qu'après avoir retardé inutilement mon départ pour cause d'annulation de Finntroll, je suis également rentré plus tôt que prévu pour du beurre, avec l'annulation de Marduk / Enslaved ! :cry: :cry:

Ras le cul des concerts foireux !
C'est bien la dernière fois que j'adapte mes vacances en fonction des événements métalliques.
Quand je pense que j'aurais pu rester un jour de plus à Annecy pour voir Suffocation... re :cry: :cry:
"Allez au paradis pour le climat, en enfer pour la compagnie" (Mark Twain)

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