Wassap metal GODS?

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Wassap metal GODS?

Messagepar LoPi CONVICTED » lun. juil. 04, 2005 8:30 pm

Please, come to barcelona SOON. :cry: :cry: Since the 2004 Fury fest show, i wish to see u again!! ROCK!


Messagepar PierrrrrickkKKKK » mar. juil. 05, 2005 2:38 pm


Hey dude, thanx for the support !

Of course we'd like to come back to Spain, but first we got to record a new album... Stay tuned mate, we'll be back as soon as possible !

Cheers !!!


Messagepar LoPi CONVICTED » mar. juil. 05, 2005 8:00 pm

yeaH Pierrick, I WAIT IMPATIENT. Thanks for the answer. I will be masturbate a lot if you come again. You all are fuckin´ gods.


Messagepar Invité » mer. juil. 13, 2005 3:25 pm


I hope you'll get some pleasure before we come back... :wink:


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