[03/03/16] Materia + Lunar Shrine @ Midland-Lille

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[03/03/16] Materia + Lunar Shrine @ Midland-Lille

Messagepar Stevosteen » mer. mars 02, 2016 12:09 pm


MATERIA ( Metal - Pologne )

Materia is a relatively young band based in Szczecinek, Poland. Formed in November, 2007 by two brothers Michał “Mihu” and Tadeusz “Tede” Piesak and their good friend Jakub “Marcia” Marciniak. The band surprisingly quickly started writing its own material. Finally in the beginning of 2009 they released their first demo “Vandals”. In 2010 Adrian “Adi” Dubiński joined Materia on the second guitar. His talent opened the band for new better sound and it was another step ahead. A Year later their first official EP called “Holidays On The Angels Island” (2011) was out. Materia had officially became popular in whole Poland, which led to them play the shows all over the country, winning young band competitions and starts to play therir first polish tours. After 6 years Materia gets to the breaking point of their musician path. On the begin of 2013 they finished and released first LP “Case of Noise” and gets to “Must be the music” – the most popular talent show in Poland. Finally 2nd place give them chance to promote their music in mainstream television and spread the word about band not only among metal fans. Until that time band played over 150 shows all over the country and they still have more and more offers. Currently the band is working on new material, that is about to be released in the begining of 2014. Till this time they are determined to reach their first European Tour with Russian friends from Change of Loyalty! Stay tuned… history just begins.



Lunar Shrine (Stoner Doom Metal - Lille, France)

Lunar Shrine, c'est la rencontre des couilles moites, de la karlsquell pas bien fraîche, et de la fumée des cigarettes texanes.
On ne le dira pas assez, mais dans un monde où tout est trop violent et réel, il y a plusieurs types de personnes; ceux qui choisissent de s'en occuper, ceux qui choisissent de subir, ceux qui affrontent et portent tout sur leurs épaules.
Et puis il y a ceux qui n'en ont rien à battre.
Fiers porteurs de ce drapeau au mat pété, Lunar Shrine propose une musique qui n'est inspirée que par la forte consommation de gnole et de trucs divers.
Tantôt lent et lourd, tantôt rapide et saccadé, les trois instrumentistes tapent dans leurs influences diverses qui vont du stoner au sludge, le grindcore, la folk américaine, la country music, la funk ou le black metal, tandis que le Commandant Cousteau relève de sa voix de crooner savoyard un niveau plus que bas.

Clairement, ça ne vaut pas un clou. Mais pour peu que vous soyez tombés sur la tête ou que vous ayez choisi de prier le dieu Karh'lskel, il se peut que vous y trouviez un sens à votre vie.


PAF: 5 euros


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