09.03 - Uli Jon Roth + guests @ Café De la Danse

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Inscription : lun. mars 08, 2010 2:00 am

09.03 - Uli Jon Roth + guests @ Café De la Danse

Messagepar Crixos » jeu. déc. 26, 2019 8:14 pm

Garmonbozia Inc., en accord avec Dragon Productions, présente :

"Interstellar Sky Guitar"

Uli Jon Roth (guitar legend) https://www.facebook.com/Uli-Jon-Roth-26843841074/
■ + guest(s)

le lundi 09 mars 2020 @ Paris - Café De la Danse

Attention places limitées !

-chers+jolis // 32€ // bientôt disponibles
□ Envois postaux : billetterie[a]garmonbozia-inc.com
□ Paris : Rock'n Roll Voltage (+0.5€/ticket)

Paf: 34,30€ en prévente (Digitick, Fnac, Ticketmaster)


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Messages : 3154
Inscription : ven. avr. 06, 2012 8:43 am

Re: 09.03 - Uli Jon Roth + guests @ Café De la Danse

Messagepar Lax » lun. déc. 30, 2019 2:59 pm

À préciser qu'il s'agira d'un concert purement solo, c'est-à-dire qu'Uli sera donc accompagné de ses guitares uniquement, et d'aucun autre musicien :

Uli Jon Roth a écrit :Experience an evening of pure musical passion and inspiration!

Uli takes us on a 360-degree journey into his world of artistic imagination.

Uli Jon Roth has always been a man with a mission, and in 2020 he is embarking on a truly epic One Man Solo Tour around the world for the first time in his long career. Beginning in Europe in March, the tour will then move to North America and South America, followed by Asia and further European concerts.

This time, the trailblazing German-born guitar genius of Scorpions fame presents us with a very different way of experiencing his music. Supported by an integrated multi-media show, with synchronized images and a powerful spectrum of music - Uli transforms himself into a one-man Orchestra. Taking you on a journey into the fascinating world of a true artist, full of vision.

The choice of music reflects Uli Jon Roth’s own taste in music. It is drawn from a broad spectrum which completely defies classification into any particular genre. Uli’s approach to music is utterly unique, and he draws inspiration from many diverse angles. It crosses over from both classical and baroque masterpieces - such as excerpts from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons and Mozart - too rarely performed pieces from Uli’s own catalogue as well as completely new songs by himself, some of which were written especially for this tour.

The seated concert, which is divided into two halves, finishes with pieces from Uli’s Scorpions and Electric Sun days, including a completely new, extended orchestral arrangement of “The Sails of Charon” and a haunting version of his epic “Enola Gay – Hiroshima Today?”.

Uli’s signature tool of expression is the legendary Sky Guitar which he invented. These stunningly designed six-octave instruments have a far greater tonal range than traditional guitars, allowing Uli to equal the registers of the violin and the cello. The main stars of the collection are the state-of-the-art Excalibur 7-string Sky Guitar and his new 9-String Flamenco Sky Guitar, for which Uli has recently written a series of beautiful solo pieces.

Ever since his early days with the Scorpions, Uli Jon Roth has always been regarded as one of the greatest improvisers and innovators on electric guitar, but few people know that he also loves to play the piano. On this tour, Uli will create new music for you trusting his inspiration of the moment by improvising freely on piano and keyboards - something which he has never done before in live shows. Rest assured that no two concerts of his will ever be the same and at each show, you are witnessing pure poetry in the making.

This epic musical journey is bridging the creative worlds of classical, ethnic and rock music in an unprecedented way. Experience the pinnacle of great guitar playing of the first order and allow yourself to be transported into other dimensions of music on Starship Uli.


This tour is dedicated to the burning quest for avoiding the 6th Global Mass Extinction.

Messages : 199
Inscription : sam. sept. 10, 2011 2:14 pm

Re: 09.03 - Uli Jon Roth + guests @ Café De la Danse

Messagepar Ardiles » mer. mars 04, 2020 11:10 pm

Le running order - attention : pas de première partie !

[sous réserve de modification]
ouverture 19.00
premier set 19.30
second set 21.05

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