TOWER STUDIO - news & updates

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Messages : 159
Inscription : lun. mai 09, 2005 2:25 pm

TOWER STUDIO - news & updates

Messagepar Brett » mer. mars 30, 2011 11:50 am

Je réalise qu'il faudrait que je fasse un peu plus de communication sur mon boulot, alors voilà des petites news (pas forcément intéressantes mais bon...).

Je fais juste un copier-coller du poste que je viens de faire sur un forum anglophone. Désolé pour ceux qui ne comprennent pas l'anglais, mais bon y a quand même des photos et pis des liens à clicker au hasard ;)

So the free 5 song live-EP I have recorded, mixed and mastered have been released. If you haven't yet, you can still download it here.

AGORA Regresa al Vertigo
I have finished the Agora mix and master for their new album. They are a very very good Mexican progressive metal band. If you like Dream Theater and Symphony X you should definitely check them out (myspace page).
Here is a song from this album for you to download: Dias de Sombra

I have also finished mixing this English band's new album. Their first album was mixed by Chris Sheldon (Foo Fighters, Radiohead, Skunk Anansie, Biffy Clyro, Oceansize, Anthrax..). You can listen to two album samplers on their myspace page. For fans of... well, good music :)

I have reamped all guitars for this awesome AOR band, composed of members from Eden's Curse, Firewind, Helloween, The Poodles, Lionsheart... The mighty Dennis Ward (Angra, Pink Cream 69...) is in charge of the mixing and he was very happy with the guitar sound. I can't wait to hear the final result! In the meantime you can check them out here.

TANK86 Rise
Check out this Dutch VERY heavy instrumental band. I have mastered their upcoming album and it's heavy as fuck. As they say on their website, "it will melt your fucking speakers!".

ANASAZI Playing Ordinary People
If you like Porcupine Tree, O.S.I. or Anathema, check out this awesome French progressive band. I have mastered their previous album "origin(s)" and mastered their new one as well "Playing Ordinary People". They usually release their albums for free on their website so there is no reason not to enjoy their music.

KHYNN Any Fear Calms Down
This awesome Thrash band (I have recorded, mixed and mastered) have just released a video clip for one of their song, check it out here. For fans of Soilwork, Lamb of God and Gojira!

Ok so I didn't do anything on this album (I mixed and mastered their first album) but it's so good that you must not pass on it. It has been mixed by Jacob Hansen and you can listen to a track on youtube.

And in the coming weeks...

I should receive the tracks to mix this Mexican Power/Speed/Thrash band next week or so, featuring solos from Gamma Ray's guitar player. Can't wait! Here's their myspace page.

Another Progressive Mexican band (I should really start learning Spanish), I'm waiting to receive their tracks in a few days to begin working on their album. Check them out.

A French Thrash/Death metal band, with influences from Sweden (In Flames, Soilwork). I have helped with the drums recording and I am eagerly waiting for them to finish the recording of the vocals to get on with the mix. Check them out here.

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Messages : 159
Inscription : lun. mai 09, 2005 2:25 pm

Re: TOWER STUDIO - news & updates

Messagepar Brett » mar. avr. 05, 2011 9:58 am

Je vous incite tout de même vivement à jeter une oreille sur Agora (le morceau que j'ai mis en lien) et The Mariana Hollow (les previews sur leur myspace), je pense que ça pourrait plaire à beaucoup de monde ici...

Sinon :


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Messages : 906
Inscription : ven. juin 16, 2006 4:12 pm

Re: TOWER STUDIO - news & updates

Messagepar Youpimatin » mar. avr. 05, 2011 9:37 pm

Merci pour ces MAJ Brett !

Encore une fois de la bien belle ouvrage de ta part...

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Dark Poulpe
Messages : 46
Inscription : lun. févr. 23, 2009 5:05 pm

Re: TOWER STUDIO - news & updates

Messagepar Dark Poulpe » jeu. mai 12, 2011 11:00 pm

Ca fait plaisir de voir les groupes des potes sur le même post que Devin Townsend ! Hâte d'entendre la suite de ton travail Brett !
A trop vouloir enculer les poules, on finit souvent par casser des oeufs

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